Mary Alam Team

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Get to Know Mary Alam, MBA

Mary Alam 1 (1)

Executive Vice President / Principal

BA in Economics from Columbia University
Fluent in English, French & Arabic
Conversational in Spanish & Italian

Ms. Alam is a commercial real estate expert who has consistently achieved top-producer ranking within NAI Northern California. She owes her expertise to having closed hundreds of transactions during her career and to working in real estate and related fields for over twenty years.

Prior to becoming a real estate broker, Ms. Alam was VP at a San Francisco commercial bank with a focus on real estate finance. Her extensive business education and prior finance work experience, in addition to a multi-year career in the commercial real estate sector, makes her a valuable resource to real estate investors looking for the best execution of their real estate strategies, including broker representation on their sales and acquisitions. Ms. Alam is known for her local-market expertise of the San Francisco Bay Area coupled with extensive experience selling single and multi-tenant properties nationwide. Among her many talents, Ms. Alam is notable for her skillful and tenacious approach to navigating very complex transactions and bringing them to a successful close. Over the course of her career, Ms. Alam has closed multi-million dollar deals and has a consistent pipeline of on-and off-market properties for sale. 

Specialties Include:

Bisnow Women Leading Real Estate Honoree

Choose our team for all of your commercial real estate needs
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Success Stories



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email the mary alam team today

Email the
Mary Alam Team today for your Commercial Real Estate needs.

Let’s discuss how the Mary Alam Team can help you succeed. 

Mary Alam

DRE#: #01927340
